I was home sick today. When I wasn’t sleeping and clutching my rebelling internal organs, I watched The Heartbreak Kid on one of those HBO channels that we’re enjoying during our 3-month trial. Man, who knew that bad chicken curry could kill you?
While The Heartbreak Kid came out in 2007, I didn’t know that it was a remake of a 1972 pic starring Charles Grodin and Cybill Shepherd. It’s a Farrelly Brothers movie, so it’s got all the gross-out humor you would expect. During its initial release, I heard negative reviews, so I didn’t bother watching it. Hostage to my innards, I watched it in the afternoon. Basically, Ben Stiller’s character meets and marries Malin Ackerman’s character and they get married after a whirlwind romance. During the honeymoon, she soon reveals herself to be a nutjob. Oh, and he meets Michelle Monaghan’s character on the honeymoon, and she appears to be the real woman of his dreams. Hilarity ensues.
The movie wasn’t so bad, but it turned predictable near the end. It certainly had its moments of comedy, so I’d recommend it, but don’t expect some thought-provoking horror movie. Frankly, why would you? You knew it was a comedy going in. Dumbass.