If you read my earlier posting about moving to Verizon, you read that I’m soon abandoning my comcast email addresses. Now is a good opportunity to streamline my various email accounts. Contrary to popular misconceptions, I don’t believe in having a 101 email accounts — who wants to check them all? A while back, I got rid of my long-standing (since 1999) hotmail account (ah, grandma_funk76, I still miss thee.)
My sumo_joel Yahoo! account is tied to my Flickr account and Facebook, but it gets more SPAM than I should have to endure. I’m debating what to do with the Yahoo! account. Can I even switch the email address associated with Facebook?
I’ll probably use one of the default Verizon mail accounts for business purposes (bills and stuff, and you get 9 accounts.) What should I do for personal? Everyone but my mother has a Gmail account, so I looked into that. Gmail seems interesting, but I would use IMAP to synch my email with my BlackBerry and my Outlook on the home desktop.
I tried signing up for a gmail account, and guess what? Some jerk has already taken joelipe@gmail.com, and joel.ipe@gmail.com. Can you believe that? Who has my exact name, in two different formats? I’m absolutely shocked! I have half a mind to write these two guys, because inquiring minds want to know. My wife jokes that the accounts may belong to a “Joe Lipe” or even a “Jo Elipe” (a chick?)
I’m befuddled. I also don’t have a potential email account for personal use. I considered even setting up some using my joelipe.com domain. Some options I have considered are joel @ joelipe.com, me @ joelipe.com, YouGoGirl@joelipe.com, and even StrongPimpHand@joelipe.com.
Any suggestions?
I’ve never done it, but I have seen an option to change your email address on facebook. Settings > Account Settings
I will have to check it out, but that sounds plausible. Who would be restricted to one email address in FB? I mean, I’ll be using FB forever, just like Friendster, Orkut, etc. I did hear that MyJoelFace is getting pretty popular. Maybe I should join the rest of the popular and beautiful people.
Go with joel@joelipe.com