Good bye old STM medium cargo messenger bag. Hello new STM Velo 2 messenger bag.

I bought my STM cargo messenger bag back in 2010, and man, I used to get compliments for it. It was a nice bag. People would also ask me why I wouldn’t just use the free ones provided by our employer. I would reply, “Because those company-provided bags are crap.” Call me particular, but I find that a bag, much like your wallet, is a very personal item. It has to feel right. It has to be a comfortable extension of you.

You carry all of your gear back and forth on your daily commute. You carry your laptop and all of its accessories. You carry your papers with you. You carry a tablet or e-reader with you. USB sticks. Charging cables. The occasional umbrella or red Swingline stapler — I don’t know, whatever. I need a good bag, not a cheap freebie purchased in bulk by my employer. And it can’t be a rolling laptop bag. Why? Because you can’t run and jump on a train with a rolling bag trailing behind you. You need a good bag that sits on your shoulder and allows you to run comfortable through New York Penn Station.

After much perusing, I went with another STM bag. The Velo 2 messenger bag looks both stylish and useful. Let’s see how well it can keep up with me.


Old STM messenger bags (2010), and new STM Velo 2 messenger bag (2014)

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