Today was one helluva day. So much happened today, but I’m just going to write about one particular event. Today will be known as “The Day I Ran Over My Laptop.”
I was heading out the door this morning, and my wife was trying to get the kids in the car so that she could drop them off. Joshua needed help to stop wasting time, get in the car, and get buckled in. Instead of stowing my laptop bag in the car like I normally do, in my rush, I just placed it next to the back wheel of my car. After I got Joshua buckled in and I closed his door, I forgot about my bag, and got into my car.
As soon as I began to reverse, I felt the car hit something and the rear of the car raised upwards. Realizing instantly what I had forgotten, I quickly went forward, and jumped out of the car. The screen and laptop initially appeared okay, but I didn’t boot it up until I reached the office. That’s when I saw how bad the damage was to the laptop. The laptop shell and the hard drive were fine, as I seem to have just rolled on a corner of the bag, but that was enough for me to fracture the screen in a hundred places. See my handiwork below.

My poor laptop
Since the rest of the laptop is okay, I’ve been working with it hooked up to the LCD monitor on my desk. Desktop support says they’ll be taking the laptop from me for repair, and it will take three days (minimum.)
In the ten years that I have travelled the world with a work laptop, I have never done this. Never damaged one, never lost one, never even spilled a drink on one. I have now officially driven over one. I suppose there is a first for everything.
Hey Joel, sorry to hear about your misfortune. Crunch. When I worked in data recovery, we had a few cases of run-overs and a few of laptops falling off the roofs of the vehicles. As in your case, most of the time the hard drives were fine. But LCD’s are the most fragile parts and usually the first to go.
Do you have to pay anything for it? Get reprimanded?
Also, check out my new blog.
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