On Tuesday, Syfi (here lie the old Sci-Fi Channel) premiered a new sci-fi series named Warehouse 13. From what I saw, it was a mash-up of Men in Black meets the big warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. You could call it a “dramedy”, but FYI, the executive suits at Syfi are calling the show a “thrilleromedy”, whatever that means.
The pilot went like this: two Secret Service agents do such a bang-up job saving the life of POTUS, they receive a mysterious job offer to work in “Warehouse 13.” What is Warehouse 13? It is this massive, top-secret storage facility in South Dakota (very reminiscent of the aforementioned big warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Turns out this mysterious warehouse maintained the the U.S. gov’t houses strange artifacts, mysterious relic, etc. in order to protect the world. The two agents are the newest recruits to a small, select group of government employees responsible for chasing down any reports of supernatural/paranormal activity, which may be as a result of some mysterious object.
It was somewhat entertaining as what I might call farcical science-fiction, so I intend to check out the next few episodes. It could easily cross the line into sophomoric funny and become too fantastical to believe. If so, forget it. For now, I’ll give it a try.