On Facebook, it seems like everyone and their mother has been filling out one of those “25 Random Things about X.” I want everyone to know right now that, good for you, but I’m not doing one. Time magazine writer Claire Suddath penned an article, 25 Things I Didn’t Want to Know About You, and sums up my opinion as well.
An estimated 5 million of these notes — that’s 125 million facts — have appeared on the website within the past week.
I had not realized that anyone had counted how many. Yikes. A few of the ones I’ve read are pretty entertaining (you know who you are), and some pretty boring (you don’t know you are, because I was polite), but for the most part, yawn. In any case, years ago, I wrote up my own list of self-trivia, so I have no need to plagiarize myself.
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