One of our fish died last week — an orange molly. It was acting peculiar, so I knew something was up. We picked fish new fish this afternoon from the pet store. 2 Dalmatian Mollies and 3 Red Wagtail Platys. We have enough fish now in our 20-gallon tank. Coincidentally, I thought we had a 30-gallon tank, but no, it’s holds only 20 gallons, so no more fish. I just read the Dalmatians prefer 30-gallon tanks. I hope they don’t freak out on me. They also like plants, and we’re still on the hunt for additional live plants.
BTW, I’m contemplating adopting a cat. I’m just a little worried about finding the cat sitting next to the tank with a Red Lobster bib on. After the heartache of the past few years with Missy’s bad behavior, I’m extremely weary of putting myself through that again. It’s a big decision. We’ll think it through during our vacation.
I just thought about it, my baby’s name middle name is “Kamalam” which means “Lotus”.
“Lotus” and Lily??? thats ironic:)
We just started a fish tank as well. I guess it’s also about 20 – 25 gal. (100 litres). Lookingh at it we’ve probably got more than enough fish, what with 7 mollys in total (3 ballon, 4 dalmation). But we’ve also got a couple of ruby sharks, 2 orange swordtails, 2 Goumaris (sp.?) a trio of Mono’s and a siamese fighter!! Wow, so that makes 17 fish!! I guess we’re a little overstocked thinking about it now! No wonder I’m having trouble keeping the water properly balanced, I better get another tank. 🙁
Good luck with the cat decision.
I believe the rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon. It sounds like a nice zoo of your own, Langa. If something (If?)happens to the guppies, I would like to try Gouramis or the swordtails. I saw some nice fish at PetSmart on Sunday, but they were of the “Tropical, Semi-Aggressive” variety. I don’t think they and the guppies would have been too happy together. Well, the guppies wouldn’t have been happy. What a buffet.