We’re at the 5 1/2 week mark, and the car is still at the body shop. We’ve run through our options on borrowing various cars from family, rental cars, and working from home. This week, I have a loaner car from Toyota, a newer Toyota Corolla. The good news is that all the initial and 2nd round of work on the car is done. We’re now waiting on our insurance company to send someone to examine the car, and pay for the supplemental repairs that needed to be performed. I’m hoping that means the car will be ready on Friday.
Monday night, we drove to the Toyota dealership to pick up the loaner car, and we spotted the Highlander parked outside. It was raining heavily, so we didn’t get up close and personal, but it looks pretty good. The front license plate appears a little twisted / banged up, but nothing we can do about that. Otherwise, the car looks good.
I’m glad they offered us a loaner car, but I have the sneaking suspicion that they only offered me the loaner so that I would stop calling them daily for a status. It’s true what they say — the squeaky wheel gets the loaner car. The Corolla is ok, but the brakes suck. I wonder if I have to fill the gas tank before returning it?