Proving myself right yet again, here’s another example of my stuff crumbling to dust in my hands (or in this case, on my feet.) My black dress shoes. Earlier this month, while I was walking inside the Pavonia Newport PATH station, the black dress shoe on my right foot made an audible PFFT! sound, and squeaked with every new step. I discovered that the heel of the sole had crumbled open, and the inside of my shoe was exposed. Also, I had a very audible walk now.
Grumble, grumble. Time for new shoes.
My wife took the liberty of ordering me some new Kenneth Cole dress shoes from, where they were slightly discounted and easier to find. I still had to wait about two weeks, but they finally arrived in a very nice box. I normally don’t care, so you can imagine the how nice the packaging was for me to actually make a comment here.
So far, they’re nice, and haven’t crumbled into dust….. yet.

My new dress shoes