The first bit of news is that the police report has been issued, and the other driver was cited with careless driving. I’m relieved, but I’m not all that thrilled. Don’t get me wrong — I’m glad the police officers on the scene rightfully sided with us. However, I feel bad that the mother of the teenage driver is now going to experience higher insurance premiums as a result of the mistakes her son made. That could be us in 10-15 years.
The second bit of news is that the Toyota can be saved, but it’ll take a long while to do it. Repairs will cost approx. $9,700, and take about three weeks to get the car back. Uh, wow. I was hoping they would be done in a week. Why will it take that long? Sigh.
The third bit of news is that the Ipes have been sick. Last week, I came down with a bad strain of the flu, which knocked me out of commission Wednesday and Thursday. I was feeling better by Saturday, but I think I relapsed on Sunday. Furthermore, the rest of the family isn’t feeling well now, especially my wife. They all stayed home, and I worked from home today, in order to take care of them.