Ever heard of Emotional Intelligence (EI)? We had an interesting all-day session on Wednesday at the office about EI. Turns out that my social style is “The Expressive Style.” I found the session useful, but similar to a class I took through the IIA a few years ago. Reading up on the Expressive was rather on the mark about my personality, and helped me understand myself a little better. That’s the first part — to have self-awareness. After that, you learn to use that social style in the right way, an eventually learn how to work with other people who are of the other styles. I’m actually glad we took the time away from work to do the class.
Here are some highlights about me (from the book we got):
- Focus their attention on teh future with intuitive visions and outspoken spontaneity.
- Be imaginative and creative.
- Make decisions quickly, based on feelings and opinions.
- Be warm and approachable, yet competitive for recognition and involvement in relationships.
- Generate enthusiasm.
- Behave in stimulating, exciting and fun ways.
- Behave in flighty, impractical and overly emotional ways.
- Make mistakes and have frequent changes in direction and focus because of their desire to act on opinions, hunches and intuition, rather than facts and data.
- Use time in an undisciplined manner.
Determining your style is based on what your Ask-Tell behavior and Control-Emote behavior are. I’m more Tell and Emote, so that’s how we arrive at Expressive. Based on my test results, I emote alot (meaning my mood is written on my sleeve) and I like to tell people about my opinions (but I also like to listen almost just as much.) I apparently have a tendency to interact with others in a spontaneous manner, and can be a form of competition wherein I quite frequently become the center of attention (I am an attention hog at times.) I also view myself as a warm and open person whom others will applaud as the source of a light-hearted atmosphere (I try.)
I also apparently see dealing with details as a burden to be avoided. It is more pleasant to encourage interactions in which others will assume that responsibility. You know what? It’s true. I like facts, and will collect them, but up to a point. I’d rather have someone do the dirty work, so I can make a decision.
Finally, some other highlights on my “style.” In working with others, I am frustrated when they cause delay by taking time to assure themselves that a course of action is comfortable. To me, their data gathering is largely unnecessary. A good choice will validate itself as you go along. I do think data gathering is important, but I feel if you have enough to make your point, move on already. Maybe I don’t dig deep enough after all. Food for thought.
I also supposedly offer opinions readily, but can give the feeling that I am expressing ideas and attitudes “off the top of my head.” Thus, I can appear disorganized and ill-prepared in situations calling for a systematic approach.
Those were the interesting highlights. Definitely gave me some insights into myself, which helps me understand a little bit more about what makes me tick.
this does not look as good 🙁