So I’m coaching boys soccer again


I’m coaching Josh’s soccer team this Fall. Thirteen 1st and 2nd graders. Yup, I am. To be honest, I wasn’t planning on coaching soccer again. I was never a soccer player or someone who even watched a game. I only coached in the Spring as they didn’t have enough volunteers. It was a lot of effort, because it wasn’t about attending weekend games and yelling from the sidelines. It’s also about doing it right — rushing to weeknight practices, organizing drills, and being invested in the team. It’s a lot of physical and mental effort. I wasn’t going to do this again, but they were short of volunteer coaches once again. It was either parents step up to coach, or they cut or consolidate teams. Would this be a good situation? No, it wouldn’t be. So I volunteered.

It’s been a few weeks, and it’s going relatively fine. I haven’t had many weeknight practices, due to my own busy schedule, and many parents can’t or won’t make weeknight practices. The last game is Saturday, Nov 3rd. Only a few more weeks to go, and then I hope to take a break for a while.

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