Last night while I rested, Nums took care of packing up our stuff. I appreciated this, because I wasn’t in much shape to do much. This morning, we were up early to wrap it up, get the kids ready, and get the car loaded. When my sister and her husband came over yesterday, they brought a cooler for us to store the leftover food we had. No reason to waste, you know?
We had to check out by 10am, and no issues, we were on the road by 10:10 to drop off the keys and activity pass badges. A quick stop to get gas and a donut for Lily, and we were off! First stop? Lunch at the Dover, DE, Waffle House. We let Josh decide, and he was in the mood for a waffle. Me too, actually. I tried a bite of Lily’s waffle earlier this week, and it was way better than a frozen Eggo waffle. A fresh waffle is delicious!
Nums took care of driving on the way to Dover, and I drove from Dover to home. We beat the traffic, and got home in the afternoon. I got the perishables in the fridge, and everyone wanted to rest/nap. In the evening, I decided to play it safe, and I went to the Brunswick Urgent Care. Took about 90 mins of waiting, but I eventually saw an ER doc. Prognosis? I’m just banged and bruised up, and I’m lucky that’s all it is. Treatment? Higher strength naproxen (“Alleve”), so that’s it. I’m going to take it easy for a while.
That’s basically it for the big part of the vacation. It was good, despite the car accident yesterday. We’ve got church and Labor Day, and then I’m back to work on Tuesday.