Here’s the update on all the gardening efforts of the past month.
Short summary:
The grass is growing, but the flowers ain’t blooming yet.
I have good news. I may not be any good at raising aquarium fish, but I’m not so bad at gardening. I still don’t know what I’m doing, but we’re making strides through research and hard efforts. Our perennials and annuals planted this year, and the hanging flower baskets are still alive, which is the good news. The side flower bed hasn’t sprouted much except errant clovers. I’ve done more mulching to fill in areas where the weeds are sneaking through. It’s a never-ending battle against the weeds. Those Scott’s commercials are rather sadly accurate.
Now, for the big news on the front lawn. About a week since we readied, tilled, and planted grass seeds in the front lawn, grass sprouts began shooting up. I was initially ecstatic, but upon closer inspection, I noticed they were primarily growing where there were heavy concentrations of Miracle-Gro. Where the Miracle-Gro was light or non-existent, I had barren dirt. Still, it was progress. Not to get discouraged too early on, we waited and continued to water the grass/dirt daily. I figure that if the grass doesn’t sprout later in the barren spots, I’ll just do additional tilling and reseed those problem areas.
Fast-forward another few more days, and today the grass is looking healthier and fuller. It’s not perfect, but it’s looking more respectable. I still have problem areas, such as the barren spots, and the original grassy areas that are dead or are wilting. I suppose I should have ripped those up at the same time when I put down the new top soil and seeds, but live and learn. I plan to wait a few more weeks until the heat wave is over, then do the fixing up.