In 2009, Warner Bros. released their fourth direct-to-video animated film in their DC Universe animated original movies, featuring Wonder Woman. Titled simply Wonder Woman, it’s your basic origin story featuring Keri Russell as Wonder Woman (Diana), Nathan Fillion as Steve Trevor, and Alfred Molina as the big bad in this film — Ares, the god of war. Here’s a summary that I’m openly stealing from IMDB:
In antiquity, the Amazons defeat the war god, Ares, and Zeus charges them to hold him prisoner as eternally young warriors on the hidden island of Themyscira. Centuries later, US Air Force pilot Steve Trevor is lured to crash land on the island and the distraction of that trespass allows Ares to escape. In response, Princess Diana wins the responsibility to both take Trevor home and recapture the fugitive god. Steve Trevor offers to help and together this disparate pair must not only overcome Ares’ efforts to achieve a bloody revenge, but also reconcile their own conflicting world views in an adventure that would be the first for the greatest of the female superheroes.
It’s rated PG-13 due to animated violence and some suggestive material, so I obviously didn’t let the kids watch. It’s a decent film, but there was a bit too much of the Amazons talking about how much men suck. I thought that got a little old, but still a good film. The film does include Wonder Woman’s fabled “invisible jet”, with no real explanation of why she gets a invisible jet. Why is it invisible, does it need jet fuel, why does it have electronics, or why it has invisible missles?