Wednesday night after work, I drove down to New Brunswick to meet up with my friends Doug and his brother Mike to see TRON: Legacy, the 2010 sequel to the 1982 Disney film. This marks two movies in two weeks that both featured/starred Jeff Bridges. One more, and I’ll have to officially join the Jeff Bridges Fan Club. 😉
Early last year, I decided to rent the original TRON film and watch it again. I wanted to introduce it to my wife, as she never saw the original. I remembered watching it as a child, and being awe-struck by the lightcycles, the tank, and those flying things. The identity discs were cool, and I was intrigued listening to the programs being happy to perform their intended functions on behalf of their users. In some slight anticipation after receiving the Netflix disc, I stuck it into the PS3 and fired it up.
Lo and behold, I was bored. Bored! Oh, the lightcycles, the tank, and those flying things were still cool. The rest of the movie, on the other hand, wasn’t that good. I fast-forwarded through the rest of the film, and returned it in the mail the next day. Sigh. I decided that it was not important for my wife to watch it. I’ve discovered that in the past seven years of being married, it’s important that I don’t make her think I’m insane.
TRON: Legacy, however, was entertaining, which was a relief. It wasn’t a mind-bending film or anything, but it was entertaining. The story was basic, but decent. The movie was directed by first time director Joe Kosinski, and stars Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde, and even Bruce Boxleitner in a small role.
Most importantly, it was a gorgeous movie. I liked looking at this fantasy world of glass and light. It was pretty. We watched it in IMAX 3D, but I didn’t notice a lot of 3D, so be warned.