In years past when the kids were both in daycare, my wife and I would normally be off to enjoy life as adults. As Joshua is now in kindergarten, he is off this week, and he’s been bored. He’s not saying it in so many words, but he certainly has cabin fever, and constantly asks us, “What can I do now?” We decided that a trip to the museum, and outside of the house, would be good for him. Lily went to daycare, and my wife had some office work to do, so it was just a boys’ trip to the museum. We haven’t been to the LSC since January 2009, so it has certainly been a while.
It was an easy drive up to Jersey City mid-morning, and LSC looked exactly the same. After spending about $50 last year, I was determined to cut the costs. I looked for discounts through my employee, but found none. I checked the 3D and IMAX films, but there were none that looked that interesting. I elected to skip the movie and save $20. I’m also realizing that there is no benefit of shoehorning a million activities into the itinerary of a 5-year old. Kids end up exhausted, and they don’t enjoy it. There were a few new exhibits, but I elected to skip the new Mastodon Lubya to save money. We visited all the floors, but Joshua most enjoyed the I-Explore childrens area. Apparently, he’s been yearning to play with uncooked rice and use the ball contraption machines since 2009, and that was all he was interested. As a matter of fact, he wrote down what his itinerary was, and “rice” was on there twice.
I decided not to fight it, as long as he was having a good time, but next time I’m just buying a bag of Uncle Ben’s. I do want to tell others that there quite a number of exhibits that weren’t functioning. Cutbacks?