We survived Joshua’s first week in kindergarten, although I think it should be marked with an asterisk in the record books, due to the short week. Monday was Labor Day. He had school Tuesday and Wednesday, but school was closed Thursday & Friday for Rosh Hashanah. A two day school week? Nothing to brag about. Sadly, we completely forgot about the Jewish holidays. Isn’t Yom Kippur coming up too? We better get on the ball with the school calendar. Also, when do we get a school calendar?
We were a little worried, as it’s a big step in his life, but he was excited. We stayed excited, noting to him the positive elements of going to a new, big school. It’s a bit mind-boggling how fast the first five years of his life went by. Now, we’re sending him off to elementary school. How time flies. I feel like a cliche. Don’t all parents remark the same sentiments? We’re now experiencing it firsthand.
In addition to the new clothes we bought him to accomodate his recent growth spurt, my wife ordered a new LL Bean backpack, a Star Wars lunchbox, and a therrmos container for his lunches. My wife took on Tues, and I walked him to/from school on Wednesday. It was certainly a surreal feeling to look behind me, and watch my son walking with me with his backpack on, heading to school.
Next week, no holidays, no vacation days. A full five day school week (and work week) for everyone. To compensate for the multiple drop offs and pickups, my wife and I altered our schedules, so we’re doing our best to prep lunches and their outfits the night before. There’s an evolving chaos in our life, and all we can do is manage it.
Speaking of evolving chaos, there’s always a monkey wrench. This week, it was day care closings, Rosh Hashanah, and JFK. This week, Lily’s day care and the elementary school were closed individually and simultaneously, depending on the day. On Thursday & Friday, both were closed. We ended up using two options with each kid — either they went to school/day care as normal, stayed with my wife’s family for the day, or came with me to the office (we have an excellent backup childcare center on campus.)
On Friday, it was even more complicated. My folks were returning from a trip to India to visit relatives, and I was leaving early from work to pick them up from JFK. Lily stayed with my mother-in-law, and Josh came with me to the office and later, the airport. By the time he and I dropped off my folks to their house, had dinner, and came home, it was 10pm. A long day, and a long week.
Can’t wait for next week.
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