I have no words to describe what I have seen in this article, and the embedded video clips that go along with it. Hollywood has always seen fit to drastically alter source material to suit “the suits”, but some of their decisions border on the remarkably insane. io9.com published this article, The 10 strangest creative liberties ever taken on superhero TV shows, and truly, it boggles the mind.
- The Human Torch replaced by a floating robot?
- Wonder Woman needs a husband?
- Wonder Woman is a ninja?
- Spiderman fights giant monsters in his giant robot (of course, only in Japan.)
- The Brady Brunch spun off a Brady Kids animated show with pandas and a magic-wielding bird?
The clips are priceless, so please, view the clips. My favorite is the Fantastic Four clip featuring a bizarre Magneto. Please, please, please. Otherwise, Magneto will get angry!