This “movie” is less a movie, and more of a series of six animated short films. Each short story is in anime style, which reminded me greatly of 2003’s The Animatrix. Each story is in the same universe as the Christopher Nolan reboot movies, and supposedly take place between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.
Here’s the synopsis from IMDB:
In this 6-story anthology collection, Batman faces new villains and old ones in a time-line after Batman Begins. In “Have I Got A Story For You”, 3 kids tell wildly different stories about Batman during a fight through Gotham. “Crossfire” focuses on two policemen who end up getting in the middle of a crime battle. “Field Test” has Lucius Fox creating a new technology for Batman, but is it too powerful? “In Darkness Dwells” features Killer Croc and Scarecrow, who have kidnapped a priest. “Working Through Pain” goes through flashbacks of Bruce Wayne’s training while Batman finds his way through the sewers. Finally, “Deadshot” focuses on the titular sniper, who has a new target in Gotham.
I thought overall this was a decent movie to rent. It’s about a little over an hour, so it’s not a huge investment. The individual stories are interesting, and while the anime styles are all different, each Batman costume was nice. My favorite aspect of the movie was that Kevin Conroy, who has voiced the various animated Batman characters since 1992 performed the voice of Batman for each of these stories. That was icing on the cake for me. Kevin Conroy IS Batman to me.