Ah, our beloved Canon Powershot S80. We knew ye well. Yes, it is dead. And now, for a little background history. Many moons ago, we used to own a a Sony Powershot camera, and it was our first digital camera. Over four years, I beat the crap out of it, and dropped it numerous times — all accidentally, of course.
In 2006, we finally saved up for a new camera, with our sights on the Canon S80. Lots of great features, and we took very good care of it. About three weeks ago at a Diwali party, I accidentally dropped it for the first (and last time) on the hardwood floor, and right on the lens. The motor was broken, giving the famous Canon E18 error. If you get the E18 error on your Canon digital camera, see ya later.
We checked with two Best Buy stores and an independent camera shop, but they all stated it wasn’t worth repairing. The camera shop stated it would cost starting at $150 and higher. Best Buy quoted me a price around $600 or so, for a camera that cost us about $400 three years ago!
Although we were in desperate need of a camera (can’t keeping missing those big moments in life), we didn’t want to invest in an expensive new camera right away. Heck, regardless of whether it is $ or $$$$, you drop it, you’re done. We just ordered the Fujifilm Finepix J38, a decent little point-and-shoot camera that hopefully will be a good workhorse camera. Ordered it via Amazon with one-day shipping, so I hope to see it on Friday, and in time for Halloween!