With much happiness, I wish a glad farewell to 2008, and welcome the year 2009 with open arms. 2008 was a rough-and-tumble year, and I am hoping that 2009 will be a kinder, gentler year.
In the spirit of things, I am wishing you all a Happy New Year to everyone. Shout-outs to all the friends, family, and creepy voyeurs who read my ramblings.
We upheld our tradition of keeping New Year’s Eve low-key, ever since we spent a bad New Year’s Eve at The Planet in Hoboken NJ years ago. Ever since then, we just enjoy the evening at home with a good dinner, drinks, and watching non-eve-related television. Bonus points if we actually miss the stroke of midnight.
While the kids were at school, my wife and I had brunch at a local diner, and then went to see the latest Brad Pitt / Cate Blanchett movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
In the evening, we shopped at Target to pick up a load of stuff, and turns out that all the Asians shop at Target on Dec 31st. We were surrounded by Asians. We’re not one to talk, but I found it humorous. After we checked out, we had an impromptu dinner at a Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse down the street. We later got the kids to bed, and watched reruns of Friends.
On New Year’s Day, in the late afternoon, we drove up to my parents’ house on New Year’s Day for a party that my parents hosted. It was a small party — basically my sister and I, our respective spouses (and my kids), our in-laws, and some of the cousins on my side.