This has been a weekend of highs and lows.
Friday night, we went out with Num’s parents to celebrate her mother’s birthday. A little belated, actually, but better later rather than not at all. We went to a south Indian restaurant not far from Princeton.
On Saturday, Josh had his usual gym class, then a quick lunch, then we were all home packing for the day. Num’s long-time friend from high school Barbara was getting married to her fiancé John. (BTW, did you know there is a difference between fiancé and fianceé? I had no idea the French were so complicated.) The kids were staying with my wife’s parents, as it was going to be a late night.
After we dropped them off, we were off to Wallington, NJ for the wedding. Nice wedding, but we had a 2 hour gap of thumb-twiddling time between the end of the wedding (4pm) and the reception starting at 6:30pm in Morris Plains. What to do? We considered a movie, but nothing quite fit. We drove over to Clifton Commons in Clifton, ate ice cream sundaes at Applebee’s, and dispersed at the local Barnes & Noble bookstore to occupy ourselves until 6pm. We were the best-dressed couple at Applebee’s on that Saturday afternoon.
The reception was at the classy Bretton Woods house.We stayed until about midnight, dancing up a storm. We went home to change into pyjamas, pack clothes for church the next day, and slept over at the grandparents’ house. Photos for the whole event are now online for your viewing pleasure.
Sunday was all about attending the early 8:30am church service, breakfast at McDonald’s, taking an afternoon nap (all of us!), then Josh and I went to the pool.
Now for the lows. A family friend passed away unexpectedly this weekend, and we got word late Saturday night after the wedding reception. Tonight we went to his wife’s house for consolation with some of the family. More details to follow, funeral set for later this week. Very depressing, and hard to figure out.
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