The squirrel came back the very next day. The squirrel came back, we thought he was a goner

So….. funny story. It’s Thursday night, my wife is working late, and I’m making dinner. The cats are a little crazy tonight, running around and bouncing off the walls at high veloctities. To get them out of my hair while I make dinner, I decide to open up the attic, and let them hang out up there for a while, and to calm down. In the middle of making dinner, I hear a very large commotion upstairs. What are those two idiot furballs doing now? I go upstairs, and what do I see? An overturned chair in the kids room, our cat Toasty staring up at a squirrel trapped on the curtain rod. Egads, another squirrel? And is it the same as the last time? What’s going on in our attic? Is it the winter, and the squirrels like a nice warm shelter? Or has it turned into some sort of speak-easy for squirrels?

Lest you are reading this now and worried that I suffered additional squirrel-related bodily harm, I was smarter this time. I got the cats out of the room, opened the bedroom window, and used a tennis racket to drive the squirrel out the window and onto the screen outside. I wasn’t sure how he was going to get down from there, but I said, “That’s your problem, buddy.”, closed the window, and went back to my now-burned dinner on the stove.

Is it the same squirrel from last time?

Is it the same squirrel from last time?

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